How to get your fuelling right for rides of every length

From your morning commute to a multi-day adventure ensuring that you've put the right fuel in your body is the (not so) secret to success

A cyclist eating a healthy meal
(Image credit: Future)


The old adage ‘you are what you eat’ is likely to resonate with many cyclists reflecting on their performance in a recent ride or race. After all, what you eat and drink while you’re on the bike has a demonstrable effect on just how far and fast you can go.

Freelance writer

Luke Friend has worked as a writer, editor and copywriter for twenty five years. Across books, magazines and websites, he's covered a broad range of topics for a range of clients including Major League Baseball, the National Trust and the NHS. He has an MA in Professional Writing from Falmouth University and is a qualified bicycle mechanic. He has been a cycling enthusiast from an early age, partly due to watching the Tour de France on TV. He's a keen follower of bike racing to this day as well as a regular road and gravel rider.